You may notice that emails from certain senders are not being received. Also, you may find the following messages in the SMTP server Debug logs:
{smtps} Client xxx.xxx.xxx.XXX:64873 closed connection before SMTP greeting, connection rejected
{smtps} Client xxx.xxx.xxx.XXX:60269 closed connection before SMTP greeting, connection rejected
The sender may also receive NDR's or see in their mailserver logs the 4.4.7 SMTP status code.
Such messages indicate that the sender’s mail server does not wait for the SMTP greeting message. The SMTP greeting delay is configured in Spam Repellent to filter the messages that are sent from spam servers.
This article describes how to add certain IP addresses to an IP address group and disable the SMTP greeting delay for this group.
- Get all public IP addresses of the sender’s email server.
You can retrieve them from the SMTP server Debug logs. Alternatively, you can get all IP addresses from the sender. - Log in to the Kerio Connect Administration console.
- Create a new or edit an existing IP address group in Kerio Connect.
- Disable the SMTP greeting delay for the group:
- Navigate to Configuration > Spam Filter > Spam Repellent.
- Enable the Do not apply delay for connections from option.
- Select the required IP address group.
- Click Apply to save the changes.
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