To secure Kerio Connect by SSL/TLS encrypted connection, you need an SSL certificate. SSL certificates authenticate identity on a server.
Kerio Connect creates the first self-signed certificate during the installation. Upon the first login, users must confirm to go to a page that is not trustworthy. To avoid this, generate a new certificate request in Kerio Connect and send it to a certification authority for authentication.
You can have one or more certificates for each domain configured in Kerio Connect.
If you want to use an existing SSL certificate from another service, export the existing SSL certificate and the public key in the PEM format and import them to Kerio Connect.
To make the communication as secure as possible, you can disable all unsecured services or set appropriate security policies.
Supported certificates
Kerio Connect supports certificates in the following formats:
- Certificate (public key) — X.509 Base64 in text format (PEM). The file has suffix
. - Private key — the file is in RSA format and it has suffix
with 4KB max.
Note: Subject alternative names (SAN) SSL certificates are not officially supported.
Multiple certificates
Since Kerio Connect 9.0.2, you can import certificates for different domains to Kerio Connect. Kerio Connect then selects and uses the appropriate certificate.
If multiple certificates exist for a single domain, Kerio Connect selects a certificate according to the following order:
- Trusted certificate for the domain hostname.
- Self-signed certificate for the domain hostname.
- Valid certificate for the domain hostname.
- Expired certificate for the domain hostname.
- Trusted wildcard certificate.
- Self-signed wildcard certificate.
- Valid wildcard certificate.
- Expired wildcard certificate.
- Default server certificate.
- If a certificate expires and you have already imported a new valid certificate to Kerio Connect for the same domain, delete the old certificate or restart the server to use the new valid certificate.
- If you have multiple intermediate certificates, add them one by one to the server certificate file.
Creating self-signed certificates
To create a self-signed certificate, follow these steps:
- Go to section Configuration > SSL Certificates.
- Click on New > New Certificate.
- Fill in the information.
- Click OK.
To enable the server to use this certificate, select the certificate and click on the Set as Default button (Set as Active in older versions).
Creating certificates signed by a certification authority
To use a certificate signed by a trustworthy certification authority, you must first generate a certificate request, send it to a certification authority, and import a signed certificate upon receiving it.
- Open section Configuration > SSL Certificates and click on New > New Certificate Request.
- Fill in the information and save.
- Select the certificate and click on the Export > Export Request button.
- Save the certificate to your disk and send it to a certification authority.
Once you obtain your certificate signed by a certification authority, click on Import > Import Signed Certificate from CA.
Note: If your certificate authority uses intermediate certificates, follow the steps in intermediate certificates before importing the certificate.
Intermediate certificates
Kerio Connect allows authentication by intermediate certificates. To make authentication by these certificates work, follow these steps to add the certificates to Kerio Connect:
- In a text editor, open the server certificate and the intermediate certificate.
- Copy the intermediate certificate below the server certificate into the server certificate file (
) and save. The file may look like this:
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDOjCCAqOgAwIBAgIDPmR/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAMFMxCzAJBgNVBAYTAl MSUwIwYDVQQKExxUaGF3dGUgQ29uc3VsdGluZyAoUHR5KSBMdGQuMR0wGwYDVQ ..... this is a server SSL certificate ... ukrkDt4cgQxE6JSEprDiP+nShuh9uk4aUCKMg/g3VgEMulkROzFl6zinDg5grz QspOQTEYoqrc3H4Bwt8= -----END CERTIFICATE----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDMzCCApygAwIBAgIEMAAAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCBxDELMAkGA1UEBh WkExFTATBgNVBAgTDFdlc3Rlcm4gQ2FwZTESMBAGA1UEBxMJQ2FwZSBUb3duMR ..... this is an intermediate SSL certificate which signed the server certificate... 5BjLqgQRk82bFi1uoG9bNm+E6o3tiUEDywrgrVX60CjbW1+y0CdMaq7dlpszRB t14EmBxKYw== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
- Save the settings.
This article provides a comprehensive guide on configuring SSL certificates in Kerio Connect. It covers the supported certificates, creating self-signed certificates, obtaining certificates from a certification authority, and managing intermediate certificates.
Can I use an existing SSL certificate with Kerio Connect?
Yes, export the existing certificate in PEM format and import it into Kerio Connect. -
What certificate formats does Kerio Connect support?
Kerio Connect supports X.509 Base64 (PEM) for public keys and RSA format for private keys. -
Are SAN (Subject Alternative Names certificates) supported in Kerio Connect?
SAN certificates are not officially supported in Kerio Connect. While they may work in some instances, Kerio Connect does not provide a native way to create those, and support for SAN SSL certificates is limited. -
How does Kerio Connect handle multiple certificates for a single domain?
Kerio Connect prioritizes certificates in this order: trusted, self-signed, valid, expired, and wildcard certificates, selecting the most appropriate one for the domain.