Getting matched private key for the public key of DKIM Author: Hitesh Bansal January 24, 2022 09:19 Updated Overview You are able to get public key of DKIM in Kerio Connect and add it to DNS, but you want to know where to get the matched private key. Information Private key can be found in sslcert/dkim from Kerio Connect Installation directory The default path to the installation directory is: C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer\ Please refer to Configuring DNS for DKIM in Kerio Connect for details Related articles Configuring DNS for DKIM in Kerio Connect Adding DKIM and DMARC Records to Kerio Connect DNS Records - Troubleshooting Article Generating a 1024-bit DKIM key when not able to add the default 2048-bit DKIM key into DNS What is the effect of using p=none when configuring DMARC for a domain?
from Kerio Connect Installation directoryC:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer\