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Upgrading Kerio Connect Server to the Latest Version


This article applies for Kerio Connect version 9 and higher (9.2.x, 9.3.x, 9.4.x, 10.x.x). As long as you are already on version 9 (or higher), a direct upgrade can be performed from your current version to the latest one (including Kerio Connect 10). If you are on an older version, please follow the steps for Upgrading Kerio Connect older than Version 9.0.0.

Kerio Connect can be upgraded automatically or manually. If an automatic check for update/upgrade is enabled and functions correctly, the new version will be detected automatically.


In case the automatic upgrade fails, or it is not available, perform a manual upgrade procedure to keep your Kerio Connect updated.

This article shares the processes for configuring the server to upgrade Kerio Connect automatically or manually by covering the following topics:


Prerequisites and Considerations for Upgrading

  • Take a full backup of Kerio Connect.
  • Verify that your software maintenance agreement is valid.
    Note: The software maintenance agreement expiration date can be found on the splash screen of the Kerio Connect administration console. Users are entitled to upgrade to the latest version that is released during their software maintenance period, even after the agreement's expiration.

    For example, if the latest version was released last week and your maintenance agreement expires today, you will be able to upgrade to this latest version tomorrow.
  • When performing a manual upgrade to Kerio Connect 9.2.7 and above on Linux, first install the cryptsetup package before attempting to upgrade. When you are using the administration interface for the upgrade, this package installs automatically.

    Note: You must have SuperUser/root privileges to upgrade Kerio Connect on Linux systems manually.

  • Make sure that your server meets the required system and hardware requirements.
  • Kerio Connect requires a restart during the upgrade. Therefore, it is best to perform the upgrade when there is no traffic on the server or when it is least impacting on your business operations.
  • If using Kerio Connect on a macOS, if the server fails to start after upgrading, make sure that the mailserver process has Full Disk Access (To check that, you can follow the steps outlined in Unable to use External backup Volumes in macOS).

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Automatic Upgrade

  1. Go to Configuration > Advanced Options.

  2. Click on the Software Updates tab.

  3. Select the Automatically check for new versions option. If you are using Kerio Connect in production, do not enable the Check also for beta versions option.

  4. Click Check now.

  5. Click Upgrade.


  6. Then a new version is being downloaded and the Kerio Connect server is being upgraded.
  7. Once the upgrade is finished, the informational success window is displayed.


Setting up Proxy Server

Optionally, follow these steps to set up a proxy server for updates:

  1. Go to Configuration > Advanced Options.

  2. Switch to the HTTP Proxy tab.

  3. Select the Use HTTP proxy for antivirus updates, Kerio update checker and other web services option.

  4. Enter the Address of the proxy server.

  5. Enter the Port of the proxy server.

  6. If the proxy server requires authentication, enter its username and password.


  7. Click Apply.

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Notifications about the new version

If you are using Kerio Connect 9.2.5 and above, you can automatically upgrade the Kerio Connect by navigating to the Configuration > Advanced Options > Software Updates tab in the administration interface.

  • If a new version is available, Kerio Connect displays a notification on the dashboard.


  • Similarly, you can also find this information in the Advanced Options > Server Updates section.


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Upgrading Kerio Connect Manually

  1. Visit the GFI upgrade page to download the latest version or the Kerio Software Archive

  2. Depending on your platform, follow the instructions given below:

    Microsoft Windows


    • To upgrade Kerio Connect on Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows, download and run the installation package for your OS.
    • The installation package detects the installation directory, stops all running components (Kerio Connect engine and Kerio Connect Monitor), and replaces existing files with new ones automatically. 
    Mac OS X
    Linux - RPM
    • To upgrade Kerio Connect on Linux RPM, use this command:
      # rpm -U <installation_file_name.rpm>
    • In case of broken dependencies, please install yum (package manager) by using this command:
      # yum install ./<kerio_connect_installation_file.rpm>
    Linux - DEB
    • To upgrade Kerio Connect on Linux Debian, use this command:
      # dpkg -i <installation_file_name.deb>
    • In case of broken dependencies, please use APT (package manager) by installing this command:
      # apt install ./<kerio_connect_installation_file.deb>
    Kerio Connect VMware Virtual Appliance

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Troubleshooting Upgrading Issues

If any problem occurs during the upgrade, follow these steps to check the debug logs for Update Checker Activity.

  1. Go to the Debug section.
  2. Right-click in the logs area.
  3. Click Messages.


  4. Search for the Update Checker Activity option and enable it.


  5. Click OK.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
