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Starting or Stopping the Kerio Connect Server on Windows


This article shares different ways to start or stop the Kerio Connect Server. This function is useful for various reasons, for example, when performing a repair installation procedure or when editing the configuration file.

When Kerio Connect Monitor is not running, it shows the Red X (cross mark icon) on a taskbar and the corresponding info message "Kerio Connect is stopped".


Kerio Connect starts automatically after it is installed on WindowsMac OS X, and Linux.


Using the Kerio Icon in the System Tray

  1. On the taskbar, hover the mouse to see Kerio Connect is running.
  2. Right-click on the Kerio Connect icon in the system tray.
  3. Start or stop Kerio Connect. Please note that the following screenshot shows Stop Kerio Connect, which will change to Start Kerio Connect once it is stopped.



Using the Command Prompt

Open the Command Prompt (as Administrator) and run the following commands to start or stop the Kerio Connect Server:

  • To start: "C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer\mailctrl.exe" start
  • To stop: "C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer\mailctrl.exe" stop



For Mac OS X and Linux versions of Kerio Connect, please refer to the article Stopping and Starting the Kerio Connect Service on macOS and Linux.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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