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Key Values Mismatch Error when Importing SSL Certificate


When importing an SSL certificate (provided by an SSL certificate provider like GoDaddy) in Kerio Connect, the below error is seen:

Cannot load SSL private key file. Error: error: 0B080074:x509 certificate
routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch.



This error occurs when there's a mismatch between the certificate request that was raised and the certificate that is being imported.

The steps below guide you over the process to create a new request and send it to the SSL certificate provider. Administration access to Kerio Connect is required to perform the below:

  1. Login to Kerio Connect administration console.
  2. Go to Configuration > SSL Certificates.
  3. Select a Certificate (which is not a currently used SSL certificate) or a Certificate Request.
  4. Click on Remove.
  5. Select Yes.


  1. Repeat steps 3,4, and 5 for all the other unused SSL certificates and certificate requests.
  2. Create a new certificate request as explained in the Re-issuing SSL Certificates in Kerio Connect article.
  3. Send the exported certificate request file to the certifying agency (eg: GoDaddy).
  4. After the certifying agency sends over the new SSL certificate (.crt file), import the same using steps explained in importing the certificate in Kerio Connect.



The newly imported certificate shows as a valid signed certificate in Kerio Connect:


In case the key values mismatch error is received again when importing, then, it is best to first contact the certifying agency's support team and check with them as to why this would be happening. If it is still not resolved, then, open a Support request with us.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
