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Setting Spam Score Limits in Kerio Connect


You want to adjust the spam score limits in Kerio Connect to change how it responds to and handles potential Spam Messages. You want to set a threshold to determine whether an email is rejected or forwarded to a quarantine mailbox.





Kerio Connect examines each incoming email with all the enabled Anti-spam filtering features. Based on the resulting aggregate spam score, Kerio Connect marks the message as spam or delivers it to the Inbox folder as a legitimate message. Administrators can define separate scores for messages to be marked as spam and to be blocked, as well as adjust how to respond based on that decision.

Note: By default, the Kerio Advanced Anti-Spam feature automatically blocks any messages recognized as containing Malware or Phishing links. This bypasses the Score Limits defined, as well as any whitelists or custom rules. To prevent this and rely solely on the Score Limit, this can be disabled via the mailserver.cfg by setting the values of <variable name="BlockMalware"> and <variable name="BlockPhishing"> in the Kerio Anti-spam table to 0 (zero).


There is also another way depicted lower in this article and also in Legitimate Emails Rejected as Malware or Phishing Spam.

  1. Log in to the Kerio Connect administration console.
  2. Go to Configuration > Content Filter > Spam Filter.
  3. In the Spam Rating tab, define the following Spam rating limits:
    1. Tag score - If the message reaches the Tag score, Kerio Connect marks it as spam.
    2. Block score - If the message reaches the Block score, Kerio Connect discards the message.

      Note: If you set the block value too low, legitimate messages may be discarded. Setting a value of 10 will fully disable the blocking of identified spam emails. This will prevent the associated Block Actions from firing and may result in unexpected spam reaching end-user mailboxes.
  4. Optional: Define specific Tag or Block Actions:
    1. Tag Score Limit Actions provides you with the option to prefix any emails exceeding the Tag Score you set above with the defined message.
    2. Block Score Limit Actions provide two additional options when the Block Score has been exceeded:
      1. Sending a Bounce Message to the Sender allows a way of notifying the sender and may be desirable for some environments.
      2. Forwarding the Blocked Messages to Quarantine allows you to capture any blocked messages for review instead of outright blocking them. This is particularly useful while you are finding the appropriate Anti-Spam settings for your environment.

      3. Note: the quarantine address feature in this area does not affect malware/phishing emails. If you need to catch and quarantine malware/phishing emails (in case of Legitimate Emails Rejected as Malware or Phishing Spam), navigate to Spam Filter > Custom Rules and enable the 2 following settings:
        1. Reject messages as soon as possible (during communication through the SMTP protocol)
        2. Forward messages to quarantine address and insert the quarantine address you need
  5. Click Apply.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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