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Collecting KOFF and KCC Installation Logs on Windows


This article provides the steps to collect logs related to Kerio Outlook Connector (Offline Edition) (KOFF) and Kerio Connect Client (KCC) on Windows systems.



  1. Login to your Windows system where KOFF or KCC is installed.
  2. Open the Run prompt by pressing the Windows and R keys.
  3. Type %temp% and click OK:


  1. It will open a C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp location in Windows Explorer.
  2. Search for kerio-connect* files in this location. There will be multiple files related to KOFF and KCC. You can look into them or copy them as per the requirement.
    • Some of the files within are the KOFF/KCC installation logs, useful for troubleshooting installation issues.
    • The below set of files is usually generated when a KOFF is successfully installed (the Updater Service comes bundled). 
      • Depending on the overall status of the installation (installer hanging), some of them may be missing.



The needed log files are available for debugging and resolving issues.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
