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Embedding images on webmail is causing page unresponsiveness


You find that while working on webmail if the currently viewed/edited mail has graphics such as screenshots in it, the browser stalls with the "This page is not responding" error message. You are working on Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers.


This issue is caused by a limitation in Google Chrome, which has a URL length limitation of 2MB. When an inline image is added to an email, it is encoded as base64 and embedded on the URL. The delay and page unresponsiveness is caused by this limitation in Chrome. Microsoft Edge browser shares the same characteristics as Google Chrome, so it also causes this problem.

Please note that finding a way to work around this limitation has been submitted as a Feature Request to our Development team, for consideration in a future release.

On your end, you can follow one of the below suggestions to prevent this problem:

  1. Increasing the value of the TcpTimeout setting in the server configuration file (this requires disabling Kerio Connect temporarily). You can do this by taking the following steps:
        • Stop Kerio Connect Server
        • Open C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer\mailserver.cfg (for Windows OS) on a text editor and search for TcpTimeout which will be on the "Misc" section.
        • Modify the value from the default '2' to '10'
        • Save the file and restart Kerio Connect Server

  2. Alternatively, Using a different browser that doesn't present the problem. For instance, this problem does not arise on Firefox because it has virtually no length limitations on its URLs.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
