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Missing PDF Attachments in Outlook


There might be incidences where PDF attachments in Outlook are missing while using Kerio Outlook Connector Offline Edition (KOFF). The issue is only observed at the local workstations. The attachments are accessible at the server and while reaching emails through the IMAP client. This article provides information on the root cause of this issue and how to resolve it.



Root Cause

It is a bug found in Kerio Offline Connector version 9.2.8 and earlier.


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As can be seen in the Kerio Connect Product Release Notes, this bug is fixed with version 9.2.9. To resolve this issue, download and install the latest version of Kerio Offline Connector. You may get the latest version from the Kerio Connect Client Downloads Page.

For overcoming bug-related issues, we recommend using the latest version of KOFF. To update KOFF automatically, see this article on Upgrading Kerio Outlook Connector.


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Having installed the latest version, you should view and reach the PDF attachments from your local workstation without any problem. 


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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