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Deleting Old Mails using Items Clean-Out Feature


Administrators can configure the Items Clean-Out feature which performs automatic user mailbox cleanup older than a specified time period, i.e. 30 days, to save space on the datastore disk.

Kerio Connect mailserver process runs the email account cleanup periodically based on message store size. Autodelete Clean-Out mails can be applied to Trash, Spam, Sent, and All folders (except Contacts and Notes).

The Item Clean-Out is looking at the date of the mails modification/manipulation, i.e. the timestamp when the email was moved to the folder, not the Creation date.

Please note that items subjected to the Items Clean-Out feature are permanently deleted, so the Deleted Items Recovery feature will not works against cleaned out items.



If you do not want to lose any messages with this clean-out, then archive or backup the datastore first and only then proceed further.

Access to Kerio Connect Administration is required to make any changes

To configure the clean-out feature, multiple settings can be modified as per your requirement:

Per-Domain Settings

  1. In the administration interface, navigate to the Configuration > Domains section.
  2. Double-click on a domain.
  3. On the Messages tab, choose the folders for automatic clean-out and set the number of days.
  4. Click OK.



Per-User Settings

By default, new users inherit settings from their domain. To change the settings for individual users, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. In the administration interface, navigate to the Accounts > Users section.
  2. Double-click on a user.
  3. Navigate to the Messages tab.
  4. In the Items Clean-Out section, select the Use custom settings for this user option.
  5. Select the folders for automatic clean-out and set the number of days.
  6. Click OK.



Folder Limit Settings

This works like a scheduled task and does not clean all relevant items at once. By default, it is set up to clean-out only 1000 items per folder at once, so that server performance is not affected. Therefore, the actual clean-out can take a while for large email folders. The steps to change this limit are outlined below:

  1. Stop the Kerio Connect server (Windows / macOS/Linux)
  2. Navigate to the Kerio Connect installation folder. The defaults are: 

    • Windows: C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer
    • macOS: /usr/local/kerio/mailserver

    • Linux: /opt/kerio/mailserver

  3. Open the mailserver.cfg file.
  4. Navigate to the <table name="MessageStore"> section.

  5. Change the value (1000 in the example below) of the variable AutoDeleteFolderLimit, as shown in this example:


  6. Start the Kerio Connect server (Windows / macOS/Linux)

Note: If the increase in limit leads to server performance issues, you must revert it to the default state.


If after some time/days, you are observing that emails are still not being deleted as per the updated settings, then the next option is to restart the server, which runs the clean-out script when it starts up. When this action happens, the Operations logs would contain entries with the label:

{DELETE} Protocol: SYSTEM, User: $cleanout_agent



 Emails are being autodeleted based on the specified/updated time period.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
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