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Error: "4.5.3 Too many recipients, maximum recipient count exceeded" When Sending Emails


You may receive similar non-delivery emails (NDR) with the following message:

4.5.3 Too many recipients, maximum recipient count <number> exceeded.

This article explains why this error occurs and how you can troubleshoot it in your KerioConnect instance. 

Root Cause

This error may occur when the email was sent to a large number of users, which is higher than the maximum allowed number on the SMTP server (in this example, the maximum number is 25 email addresses).


  1. Open Kerio Connect Webadmin and navigate to Configuration > SMTP Server.
  2. Click on the Security Options tab.
  3. Increase the Max. number of recipients in a message value according to your needs.
  4. Click Apply.

  5. Resend the email to the recipients.


The email should be received by all recipients, and no NDR message should be received.

Additional information

Securing SMTP server


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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