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Displaying or Hiding Shared Folders within Kerio Connect Client


Another user has shared a folder of content with you, and you require guidance on how to display or hide it within your Kerio Connect Client.



Once a resource folder has been shared with your Kerio Connect user, you will see a new section appear within the appropriate UI section. Shared Emails, Contacts, Tasks, and Notes will see a new "Shared Folders" section, and Shared Calendars will show a new "People" section, as shown below. Despite their varied name, they serve the same function - allowing you to refine which shared resources appear within your Kerio Connect Client:




Note: In addition to the standard process below, you can also quickly "Hide" a shared resource directly from the drop-down arrow next to the resource:


  1. Navigate to the appropriate UI section for the shared content type you want to display or hide. (Emails, Calendar, Contacts, Notes, or Tasks)
  2. Click the Cog Wheel icon next to Shared Folders or People section.
  3. Review the list of Shared Resources to locate the item you want to modify:


  4. Place or Remove a checkmark next to the resource you want to modify.
    1. Note: The non-Calendar resource types are grouped by the user that shared them - you can expand the drop-down to see them all. Checked resources will appear within the sidebar of the selected UI Section. 
  5. Click Save.


Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
