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Attachments Handling with Kerio Outlook Connector


The Kerio Outlook Connector synchronizes emails, attachments, events, contacts, and tasks in Microsoft Outlook with the Kerio Connect server. If the Connector is offline, then, all the changes are cached on the local computer and synchronized once reconnected. For how long the attachments stay in the local cache, works in sync with a Microsoft Outlook client's setting. This article provides information on that setting.

Reference Information

  • The Microsoft Outlook client has the field "How long attachments should be kept locally". The value of this field can be a maximum 4-digit numeric value for the number of days.
  • Based on the value of this field, the email attachments will be available for that many days in the local cache since the email was received. After that, they will be removed from the cache. Caching like this is done in order to reduce the size of the overall user profile.
  • If the user opens an older email, then the attachment/s from that email will be automatically made available in the cache for downloading.
  • If the value of this field is altered, it can take some time for the Kerio Outlook Connector to remove the older attachments from the cache.
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted 8 days ago
