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Viewing, Saving and Highlighting Logs in Kerio Connect


When you need to review logs and get information about certain events such as error, config, security, and warning reports and debugging output, the info can be obtained from Kerio Connect Webadmin -> Logs section. To mark the specific log entries in color (red, yellow, etc), the Highlighting feature can be used.

The Highlighting feature in Debug logs can be considered as custom categories filtering for selected messages (words).


Access to the Kerio Connect Administration 


  1. Click the Logs icon on the left side of the Kerio Connect administration interface.


  2. Click the log type; the log entries are displayed in the main window.


  3. Highlight the entries to be saved, Right-Click, and choose Save Log.


  4. Click on Plain text or HTML radio button to choose the log file format.
  5. Click on Full File or Only Selected Rows radio button to save the entire log or just the selected part respectively.
  6. Click on OK.

    A log file with an extension .txt or .html (depending on the option selected in Step-4) is downloaded to the local system.
  7. In order to review logs easier and without saving it locally, it's possible to use a Highlighting feature. Right-click on logs -> Highlighting -> Add new condition, specify description and enable Regular Expression checkbox if needed. Change color to a custom.
    Once the condition is not needed, it can be removed afterward by selecting it and clicking the Remove button.

Please note that you are unable to export/filter for only specific lines, you can only highlight them, as indicated above. In case you need to filter for specific entries, it is best that you use Steps 1 - 5 above (select Full File for export) and use a 3rd party tool (Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code) to filter accordingly.

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Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
