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Kerio Connect Error: 'Cannot list folder. Folder is incorrectly utf-7m encoded'


An entry similar to the following displays in Kerio Connect logs for your email address (in place of

[27/Feb/2020 03:12:53] FolderListCache.cpp: Cannot list folder: ' &BEIEOgQwBD0EOA- &BDQEOwRP- &BEEEPwQ1BEYEPgQ0BDUENgQ0BEs-/&BD8EPgRBBEIEMAQyBEkEOAQ6BDg- &B'. Folder is incorrectly utf-7m encoded. Either fix the folder name or remove the folder completely.


This article shares the process of resolving this issue.



Admin access to the Kerio Connect server OS


Root Cause

This issue is caused by incorrect or corrupt folder names in the Kerio Connect server OS.

Note: It is not recommended to include any special characters in the folder names as the encoding/decoding in your server's OS can cause them to change and result in this error.



Refer to the following sections for the workaround and manual process to resolve this issue.



  1. Open Kerio Connect webmail, and find the folder that is mentioned in the log error.
    • The folder path and name in the example error is: &BEIEOgQwBD0EOA- &BDQEOwRP- &BEEEPwQ1BEYEPgQ0BDUENgQ0BEs-/&BD8EPgRBBEIEMAQyBEkEOAQ6BDg- &B

  2. Make the folder name shorter using only the UTF-8 characters.


Manual process

Follow these steps if the workaround is not helpful:

  1. Stop Kerio Connect.

  2. Navigate to the Kerio Store folder. The default paths are:

    • Windows: C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer\store\

    • macOS: /usr/local/kerio/mailserver/store/

    • Linux: /opt/kerio/mailserver/store/

  3. From the store folder, navigate to the user's folder:


    • For example, for the email address, navigate to the folder: mail/

  4.  Find the folder that is reported in the error entry.

    • The folder path and name in the example error is: &BEIEOgQwBD0EOA- &BDQEOwRP- &BEEEPwQ1BEYEPgQ0BDUENgQ0BEs-/&BD8EPgRBBEIEMAQyBEkEOAQ6BDg- &B

  5. Remove this folder if it does not contain any data that you would like to save. If you cannot remove it, then follow these steps to rename it:

    1. Open this folder.

    2. Open the status.fld file with the Notepad, Nano, or Vim editor.

    3. Find the line starting with Y

    4. Change this line to YNew folder name.

      Note: Do not include a space between Y and the first letter of the folder name. You may include spaces between other words in the folder name.



  6. Start Kerio Connect.

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  1. Log into your webmail.

  2. Verify that the folder name is updated as revised.

  3. Go to the Kerio Connect Administration > Logs section and confirm that it has no additional errors about the folder.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
