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Error: "Empty envelope file" in the Log File on MacOS/Linux


This article provides the solution for instances when the following error message appears in the error log file:

[11/Apr/2019 11:21:06] mail_envelope.cpp: Cannot parse envelope file
/Volumes/KerioBackup2015/queue/04/5c962004-00011523.env: Empty envelope file


Note: This error is usually caused by the zero-byte files, which are generated after the improper shutdown of Kerio Connect.


  1. Investigate the logs and identify the directory, where the zero-byte files are being generated within the error message. In the error example below, the directory is /Volumes/KerioBackup2015/queue/

    [11/Apr/2019 11:21:06] mail_envelope.cpp: Cannot parse envelope file /Volumes/KerioBackup2015/queue/04/5c962004-00011523.env: Empty envelope file
  2. Navigate to the directory by running the cd [directory] command in the macOS or Linux terminal. In this example, the command would be:

    cd /Volumes/KerioBackup2015/queue/

  3. Run the following command to delete all corrupted files:

    find ./ -type f -size 0 -delete



Monitor the logs to confirm that the error does not appear anymore.


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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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