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Manual Support Information Creation


At times, administrators may be unable to generate support information as the web administration shows error message server not responding when clicking on Support Information.
This article provides an alternative way to retrieve Support Information on Windows, Linux, and Mac.



Access to Kerio Connect Webadmin and server.




Support information can be manually generated. To do so: 

  1. Open Windows Powershell as Administrator.

  2. Run the following commands one by one. 
    Make sure to copy the output of each command to a TXT file.
    1. msinfo32
    2. Get-Content "C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer\store\logs\audit.log" | select -Last 100
    3. Get-Content "C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer\store\logs\error.log" | select -Last 100
    4. Get-Content "C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer\store\logs\warning.log" | select -Last 100
    5. Get-Content "C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer\store\logs\security.log" | select -Last 100
    6. Get-Content "C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer\store\logs\operations.log" | select -Last 100
    7. ipconfig /all
    8. net start
    9. netstat -ano
    10. Tasklist


  1. Open the Terminal as a root (Administrator) user:
    sudo su - root
  2. Navigate to the installation folder. Defaults are:
    Linux: cd /opt/kerio/mailserver
    macOS: cd /usr/local/kerio/mailserver
  3. Run the following commands:
    Make sure to copy the output of each command to a TXT file.
    1. Version Check
      grep -rin 'remoteupgradeversion' mailserver.cfg | cat
    2. Licensing Info
      grep 'Base-ID' license/license.key | cat
    3. System Information
      hostnamectl (Linux)
      sw_vers (macOS)
    4. Last 100 entries for logs:
      tail -n 100 store/logs/error.log
      tail -n 100 store/logs/warning.log
      tail -n 100 store/logs/security.log
      tail -n 100 store/logs/operations.log
    5. IP address configuration
      ifconfig -a
    6. Network statistics
      netstat -an
    7. Input/Output stats
    8. The system uptime
    9. Disk info
      df - h
    10. Dmesg information
      sh -c dmesg | tail -n 100

Then you can provide the retrieved information to the Support Team for further investigation.

Additional Information

Below are the alternative paths to find the generated Support Information:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files\Kerio\MailServer\store\tmp\download\username_domain\<hash_number>
  • MacOS: /usr/local/kerio/mailserver/store/tmp/download/username_domain/<hash_number>
  • Linux: /opt/kerio/mailserver/store/tmp/download/username_domain/<hash_number>

Hash number is a 10-digit random number, similar to the following one: 4cd94fb597.





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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
