Contacts represent the various individuals or businesses that a user might need to interact with and contain all relevant contact information for that party. By organizing all relevant information into a single abstract representation, end-users can quickly access or share these details when interacting with Kerio Connect.
Accessing Contacts
Like other productivity and communication suites, Kerio Connect provides a way to manage, sort, and share contacts. They can be accessed and managed via the Kerio Connect Client or within 3rd-party contact applications. Users can synchronize contacts to end-user devices through a number of protocols, such as CardDav or ActiveSync.
Within the Kerio Connect Client (Webmail or Desktop), users can review all of their personal, public, or shared contacts within the Contacts tab at the top of the UI. Users can easily add new contacts manually and organize them based on their particular needs using folders. In addition, contacts used by the entire organization can be shared through Public Contact folders.
When connected to a Kerio Connect account through an email client such as Outlook, it is possible to search contacts using the address book or similar native calendar implementations.
Exporting Contacts
Kerio Connect does not provide a built-in mechanism for bulk-exporting contacts, and in most cases, Sharing the Content with other Users may be preferable. Users can easily share an ICS copy of a particular contact by forwarding this as a VCF attachment directly from the right-click context menu, as with most content types in Kerio Connect Client.
If there is a need to mass-export the contacts for a particular user, this can most easily be handled using a 3rd-party Client, such as Microsoft Outlook or Apple Contacts. If the data is intended as a local copy for import into Kerio Connect in the future, the VCF format is the most compatible with Kerio Connect. Alternatively, users can explore a more manual process of extracting the raw eml-wrapped VCard content from the mail store.
Importing Contacts
Kerio Connect Client does not provide any built-in method for importing contacts in bulk outside of a complete migration performed using the Kerio Exchange Migration Tool. In addition, contacts in the VCF format can be imported using a 3rd-party client, such as Microsoft Outlook. Currently, Apple's proprietary contact archive format (.abbu) is not supported.
Once they have been added to the user’s mailbox in the client, they will sync up to the Mail Server and are converted into the internal eml-wrapped format used by Kerio Connect.
Priyanka Bhotika