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Dynamic Mailing Lists in Kerio Connect


You want to send emails (using mailing lists) to users as per the domain or to users with certain attributes and rules. As users are added, removed, or edited in Kerio Connect, these mailing lists should change automatically as per the attributes. This article provides information related to this feature and workarounds for the same.



The feature and workarounds can be explained with a couple of examples:

Example: Consider a mailing list All emails sent to this address should be automatically sent to all the users belonging to domain-1 when the mail is sent from the intranet. Here, the pre-defined attribute all for the domain indicates that this should be the behavior. When a new domain is created, should automatically include all the users of that domain.


  • Adding a group of people belonging to a domain can be done by mass subscribing those users to the appropriate mailing list of that domain. This can be done on a per-domain basis. Automatically having this for a domain is not supported.
  • In order for this to work only for incoming mails from the intranet, an incoming rule can be defined.


Example: If there are different departments in an organization, then, when defining/editing users, there would be an attribute like Department=Marketing, which will associate those users to that department. If there's a mailing list, then users in domain-1 with Department=Marketing are automatically a part of that mailing list.

Workaround: Kerio Connect allows creating Groups where you can add a set of users to one Group. These users need to be selected manually. Defining user attributes/metadata and adding users to a group based on those user attributes/metadata (eg: Marketing department) is not supported.


If the above solutions don't suffice, then, you can submit a feature request on our forums for it.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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