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Hide License Details Tile


This article provides information on how to disable the License Details tile in the Kerio Connect Dashboard. In the recent Kerio Connect versions (9.2.11), the Remove this tile option is grayed out, as seen below.




Root Cause Analysis

The BU changed the licensing model, and as a result, Engineering hardcoded the License Details tile to be always shown as a non-removable tile.

Note: This is a partially supported procedure, and a backup is advised before trying.

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License Details Hiding Procedure

  1. Stop Kerio Connect.

  2. Navigate to the Kerio installation folder. Defaults are:

    - Windows: C:\ > Program Files > Kerio > MailServer
    - macOS: usr > local > kerio > mailserver
    - Linux: opt > kerio > mailserver
  3. Navigate to the web > admin > dashboard folder and backup the dashboard.js file.




  4. Open the dashboard.js file in a text editor program like Notepad and remove the line k_isNonremovable: !0 below License Details description line. Save the changes.




  5.  Start Kerio Connect.


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Confirmation and Final Considerations

The License Details tile can now be deleted, and the Remove this tile option is available.




  • The user with admin access will always be able to right-click and add that panel back in.
  • This change may be reverted while Upgrading Kerio Connect to the next available version.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
