Activity logs Accesses HowTo's/Configuration Reporting
Overview After finishing the initial configuration of Kerio Connect on a Linux deployment, the Kerio Connect service is restarting, as seen in the screenshot below. Once it has restarted, the configur...
Overview The users are complaining about receiving the following Non-Delivery Receipt (NDR) message: The original message was received at Sun, 25 Aug 2019 16:01:26 -0400 from [127.0....
Overview This article provides information on how to resolve an issue with incoming emails not being received by Kerio Connect installed on macOS. Prerequisites Install Kerio Connect on macOS Root Cau...
Overview This article provides information on how to change the Domain Email footer manually using Webadmin UI and internal Kerio Connect configuration files. The custom HTML code can be inserted thro...
Overview The Kerio Connect store is located on a separate disk (mounting point). The external spinning drives don't mount before the Kerio Connect service starts. This causes the Kerio Connect to crea...
Overview This article provides steps on how to resolve the Administration error, which causes the Kerio Connect Administration Console to crash or become unresponsive when customers edit user inform...
Overview This article provides information on how to disable the License Details tile in the Kerio Connect Dashboard. In the recent Kerio Connect versions (9.2.11), the Remove this tile option is gray...
Overview You might experience the following Server error when accessing Kerio Connect Webmail. Failed to read rights from folder INBOX, internal error. The error log may show such entries: Corrupt...
Overview This article provides information on how to resolve the following warning message shown in Groups, Aliases, Mailing Lists, or Resources. User/Group conflict: Some email addresses are already ...
Overview This article provides guidance on how to resolve errors when sending emails to the domain. [16/Jul/2019 14:14:47] Message from IP address, sender <> ...